Friday, June 25, 2010

Bujold's Boondogle Trip

Well another day on the road. I have decided, after consultaion with, and a strong suggestion from Jane that I should use this trip, to the extent possible, to visit some of the Strategic Infrastructure projects that I was involved in. After all there is a legacy of those in many of the cities I will be going through. Today it is the Winnipeg floodway; I know it is here somewhere. maybe Ken McConnell can send me a map.

Today started off in Fort Frances under rainy skies. So I put on all my rain gear and went for a coffee at Tim Hortons. No sooner had I pulled out of town on Hwy 11/71 that the skies cleared and they remained that way for the rest of the day. I had breakfast at Monique's log cabin in Nesttor Falls where I saw a cute little kitten; it made me think of Rose and Lilly. Highway 71 which runs through Lake of the Woods country is very beautiful; there are many small lakes on both sides of the highway and the wildlife is abundant. I saw three deer, a bunny rabbit - no doubt a distant cousin of the Orléans bunnies- and some eagles - I have a picture of a speck flying between the trees and I swear it is an eagle. As I needed some gas i decided to follow Hwy 17A through Kenora. The downtown waterfront is very nice.

The remainder of the ride on Hwy 1 is nothing to write home about. It's longish and certainly flat. I arrived at my Winnipeg hotel early enough to change and go to the Forks for a stroll and dinner.

My picture's today include the rainbow Motel and Tim Hortons in Fort Frances, Monique's Log Cabin Restaurant, my new deminutive feline friend, a picnic table in the forest near one of the many small lakes.

1 comment:

  1. i went tree planting in fort frances or near it i should say
