Monday, June 17, 2024

Retirement Rides - 2024 Edition


Another adventure has begun. 

I was waved off by Jane this morning at 8:45  on my way to Jay Village in Vermont.  Except for overshooting the exit off the 30 to the 10 on the South Shore, the ride was uneventful and the traffic was light. I stopped for lunch at the Knowlton Pub, an average club sandwich with fries, in a nice quiet town.

Then I crossed the border into Vermont.  I drove to the base of Jay Peaks and took a few pictures 

before heading to the Jay Village Inn, a very nice establishment where I have a small but very clean room, and where there is a wonderful restaurant where I had a perfectly cooked 14 ounce medium-rare blackened New York strip steak with baked potato, asparagus, a side salad and fresh bread, and an excellent local Switchback beer. At least two other tables, a dad with his son and a not-so-young couple discussing plans for their upcoming wedding, ordered the $100 humongous tomahawk steak dinners which they each shared as a main coarse after their individual appetizers. 

Not a bad first day, 386 kilometres, good roads, no construction delays, and not drop of rain. Let’s hope it holds up for the rest of the trip.

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